Access to local, top-quality cardiac care meant the difference between life and death for Charleston resident Jason Cook.
The Eastern Illinois University police officer had just started his workday when he realized he needed emergency care. “I felt this big shot of pain from my lower abdomen up to my left shoulder,” he said. “I immediately drove myself to the Sarah Bush Lincoln Emergency Department.”
Emergency staff discovered Jason’s blood pressure was high, so they called in SBL Cardiologist Michael LaMonto, DO, who performed a stress test and cardiac ultrasound. Concerning results from both tests led to a CT scan, which confirmed severe blockage in the left anterior descending artery (LAD). Blockage in this artery is often referred to as a 'widow maker' heart attack due to its high fatality rate and minimal warning symptoms.
The news was shocking for Jason. “I never had many signs that would’ve indicated heart problems, so I was caught off guard by the discovery,” he said. Upon reflection, however, Jason noted that for the few years prior he had often found himself short of breath after climbing stairs or doing manual labor.
“I contracted COVID-19 a handful of times, so I thought the shortness of breath was a lasting side effect from that,” he explained. “I usually just needed to pause briefly, and I’d catch my breath and be fine. I didn’t consider that it was something more threatening.”
Dr. LaMonto observed Jason over that October weekend. Medications reduced Jason’s high blood pressure a bit, but his body could not sustain it. Dr. LaMonto decided the best solution was to place two stents in Jason’s artery.
Jason was nervous. He had never undergone a procedure before, much less a procedure on a vital part of the body. “I was nervous that the stents may not be enough and I’d need bypass surgery or that something else would be wrong,” he said. “It was very nerve-wracking.”
SBL Interventional Cardiologist Dean Katsamakis, DO, placed the two stents in Jason’s widow maker artery without any complications. Jason was relieved that the procedure went smoothly, and he is grateful for Drs. LaMonto and Katsamakis. “I truly think that Dr. LaMonto and Dr. Katsamakis saved my life,” he said. “There’s no other way to put it. They said I hadn’t had a heart attack yet, but if I waited any longer, I was at risk for a cardiac event.”
Jason reflects on that weekend as the start of his second lease on life. He is an active member of the East Harrison St. Church of God, and he loves his job at EIU. Most importantly, he is an active family man. His fellow church congregants, co-workers and family were there for him before and after the procedure, and he wants to be there for them going forward.
“The world is out there, and I want to do everything I can to maintain myself and my family,” he said. “I’ve started appreciating everything more.”
Jason has since enrolled in cardiac rehabilitation at SBL, and he feels much better. Walking up flights of stairs, mowing the lawn and being active with his family neither leave him breathless nor pose health risks. Jason embraces the opportunities life has to offer.