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July 2022 SBL DAISY Nurse Award Recipient

September 2, 2022 2:28 p.m.

  • DAISY Award, Maddy Bayles, Nursing

    Maddy Bayles, BSN, RN, is pictured with her bouquet after receiving her DAISY Award.

Maddy Bayles, BSN, RN, was recently honored with the DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses at Sarah Bush Lincoln. Bayles received her nomination for helping to find an underlying issue with a patient’s symptoms and remaining calm throughout the process. Her nominator wrote:

“Following the delivery of our son, I experienced abnormally heavy bleeding and continued having contractions long after delivery. I expressed concern, being a nurse myself, because I knew how I was feeling wasn’t normal.  Maddy was very prompt and thorough with her assessment. We discussed our findings. Maddy knew that something was wrong and my symptoms weren’t making sense in the typical text book way. She made sure to call the doctor right away and in a few short moments we had probably every nurse there on hand with my medications and interventions to get my situation stable. She remained calm and collected but prompt and focused. Great job Maddy! We appreciate everything you did!”

Sarah Bush Lincoln has joined more than 2,700 healthcare facilities by becoming a DAISY Award hospital partner. 

 The DAISY Award was established in memory of J. Patrick Barnes, who died at 33 of complications of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), a little known but not uncommon auto-immune disease. (DAISY is an acronym for diseases attacking the immune system.) The care Patrick and his family received from nurses while he was ill inspired this unique means of thanking nurses for making a profound difference in the lives of their patients and families.

 Patients, visitors, nurses, physicians and other employees may nominate a deserving nurse for The Daisy Award and a nurse will be selected by SBL’s DAISY committee every month to receive this special honor. Nomination forms are located at and at all SBL clinics and on patient floors. The forms can be submitted to any Sarah Bush Lincoln staff member, or sent via email to or mail to Sarah Bush Lincoln, DAISY Nursing Award, 1000 Health Center Drive, Mattoon, IL 61938. For more information, volunteer nurse coordinator, Tracey McCord, RN, at (217) 238-4987 or


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