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Sarah Bush Lincoln Hosts Nutrition Class for Older Adults

June 7, 2021 9:13 a.m.

Sarah Bush Lincoln is hosting a class on food education for older adults. This nutrition education class will focus on balanced diets, foods that support memory improvement, and recommended vitamins for the aging population.

The program will be held at 6pm on Thursday, June 17 in the Lumpkin Family Center for Health Education, located at 1000 Health Center Dr., Mattoon. Class will be in the Jefferson and Madison rooms on the northside of the Health Center (Entrance C).

Participants may also attend the class online. Please call Food and Nutrition Services at 217-258-2130 to request a link to the Zoom meeting.

There is no charge to participate in the program, but registration is required by Friday, June 11. Also, in respect of the health of the community, masks are required. Please RSVP your attendance to Food and Nutrition Services at 217-258-2130.


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