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Rotary Comedy Night Funds Heart Screening Program for Area Athletes

April 10, 2019 10:40 a.m.

Rotary Comedy Night raised more than $17,500 to support Sarah Bush Lincoln’s Athletic Heart Screening Program, which has been providing free screens to high school sophomore athletes since 1999. These screens help detect abnormalities in the heart which can potentially cause damage or death to a young athlete during strenuous activities.

The free screening program is offered twice a year and provides a comprehensive approach using electrocardiography to help ensure their hearts are healthy, a physical examination and a targeted health history. Any abnormalities detected will prompt a referral to the athlete’s primary care provider for further evaluation. Since the program began, more than 4,000 athletes from 20-area high schools have been screened.

This year’s comedy night provided a memorable night of fun and laughter including performances by several comedians from the Chicago Comedy All Star group. The event is co-sponsored by Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Foundation and the following Rotary Clubs: Arcola Sunrise, Arthur, Casey, Charleston, Mattoon, Newton, Shelbyville, Sullivan, Tuscola, and Villa Grove. For more information, call the SBL Health Foundation at
217 258-2511.

Gary Swearingen of the Mattoon Rotary Club presents the donation to Sarah Bush Lincoln Vice President of Operations Kim Uphoff.

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