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SBL Opens New Surgery Reception Area

May 7, 2012 2:59 p.m.

The first phase of Sarah Bush Lincoln’s surgical services renovations are complete and open to the public.

The Health Center recently opened a new registration, reception area along with new consultation rooms in which family members meet with doctors following operations. With its bright, clean, modern design, outpatient and inpatient surgery reception areas now share one common, much larger and more comfortable space for families to read, rest or watch TV while their loved ones are having a procedure.

“I think people will appreciate the spacious design and like having everything in one central location. It will make it much easier for people to find their way around,” Carol Ray, director, Surgical Services, said. “It’s important that we provide a comfortable and relaxing space to help ease the stress level of those waiting patiently for news."

The surgery suites will also expand and be modernized in the next phase of the project set to begin this fall. Evolving technology has necessitated this due to the changes in medical and personnel needs required during operations since the suites were designed in the 1970s. While many operations are performed on an outpatient basis and are less invasive for patients, equipment is numerous and obtrusive. It makes it difficult for staff members to move freely in the close quarters of existing surgical rooms.

Additionally, throughout a surgical procedure, surgeons and staff members rely on electronic patient data such as images and information available on computers through electronic medical records. The added space will give the staff members a little more elbowroom to view the monitors and the patient’s electronic medical record, and allow them to perform larger cases with greater ease.

“We know that there will be challenges during the construction phase, and we truly appreciate your patience and understanding as we make improvements to continue to meet your healthcare needs,” Tim Ols, SBL President & CEO, said.

The renovations are part of Sarah Bush Lincoln’s $48 million Master Facility Plan, which also includes expanding and renovating the Emergency Department and creating private rooms for all adult patients. Renovations will be ongoing for the next two years.

For more information about Sarah Bush Lincoln’s renovations, contact Tim Kastl at (217) 258-2537.

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