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SBL Moves Patients to Second Floor

June 20, 2012 12:11 p.m.

Patients will begin occupying the second floor of Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center on Monday, June 25, as construction and renovation begins on the fourth floor to convert the rooms to private rooms.

Rooms numbered 202 through 231 will be open on 2 East and will be in use throughout the master facility plan construction and renovation on an as needed basis. Directional and informational signage is posted near elevators and the entrance to 2 East.

Adult Care Unit Director Sandy Miller, RN, said that throughout the construction and renovation phase, noise issues may arise and the staff is working hard to help people feel as comfortable and rested as possible. A new television channel, C.A.R.E. Network, airs soothing images and soft music or white noise to help relieve stress. This new channel supplements other noise reduction tools available to patients. Additionally, construction work is done throughout the daytime hours whenever possible in an effort to not disrupt sleep.

For more information, please contact Sandy Miller at 258-2279 or Mindi O’Rourke, RN, 238-4807.


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